
The Baby Bump

Dana is finally coming out of the queasy & sick stages of early pregnancy. It got so bad that when I bought her chocolate caramels from the Candy House...she wouldn't touch them! But I bought another box of them this week, and she's having no trouble this time! We're happy that she's feeling better, and we're eagerly waiting for April to find out if this little monster is a boy or girl. She says boy, I say girl. For the world's sake, let's hope it's a girl and hope it's like her!

We're still learning what to expect from day to day, but the baby bump has made an appearance. Even if it is only slightly, we had to share a photo. So here is the baby bump at 15 weeks.

We have also purchased all the furniture for the baby's room. We went the cheaper route and found some cool stuff off craigslist and at flea-markets. I have some sanding and painting to do, but it's gonna look great! I will post some pictures of that soon!